

Winning Your Office Cookie Exchange: Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies

Here's the thing about December: It's the one month of the year where I actually have no appetite for cookies.  They are EVERYWHERE. People are always giving it as gifts, or displaying it on their coffee tables or hurling it at you from their bikes (true story (people in Renton, WA can be weird)). And so few of them are special, everyone doing the same variation on the sugar cookie or the gingerbread dough they bought on sale at Jewel.  Snoozefest.  This year, for Chad's office cookie exchange, we decided to challenge our tastebuds.

Recipe #49: Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies

Choice of libation: 
Why not be inspired by the source? Hot cocoa mix + dark chocolate syrup + pinch of cinnamon + pinch of chili powder + hot milk = a very good idea. Oh, + rum too, please

Choice of music: