

Better Than The Worst Pie in London

Remember that episode of Just Shoot Me when David Cross played a Elliot's brother, Donnie who faked a head injury as a child to make his family wait on him hand in foot his whole life?
Oh.  I forget. I may have been one of 9 people who watched that show.

Just Shoot Me was a sitcom that aired in the late 90's and I watched every episode then, even though I'm not sure all of it holds up anymore.  The cast is above, from right to left: the voice of Kristie Alley's baby in Look Who's Talking (I'm sure George Segal is MOST proud of that credit), the chick who played Kit DeLuca in Pretty Woman, the guy who played David Spade in everything, that lady who played Martin's girlfriend then wife on Frasier and that guy who played Mathesar in "Galaxy Quest" (and interestingly enough also Rene in the 2008 televised biopic about Celine Dion).
That little history lesson was just so I could justify using the following clip...

So good!

I was really nervous doing this one. I know, I had made a pie crust before.  But that was with Todd who is a brilliant baker and who did most of the work that time.  I mostly supervised and by supervised I mean drank coffee and cheered Todd on.  I used whole wheat flour because that's what we had in our cupboard, but it did make the dough a little tougher to handle.

Two hours later, I started on the filling -- the curry and cumin, garlic and onions scent filled my home and I wasn't complaining.  I maybe should have added ginger. Oh well, next time.

After adding the coconut milk, it seemed the right consistency but I think the instruction to add chicken stock after that was iffy -- it made it too thin and it never thickened up enough for me. Harumph. 

Here's where I got nervous again. Would the dough fall apart? 

Oh, there are no pictures of me beating the whole wheat dough into submission.  
Rolling is hard work.  
Also, I had had two rum and cokes at this point.

This actually looked like it might work! The filling didn't break the dough and it all smelled delicious.
I actually ended up with too much filling so saved the rest of it to make a chili with.

Who's the idiot who keeps forgetting to buy a pastry brush? This guy.
Who is the genius who used a paper towel to dab the egg wash on with? This guy
You can't tell but I am pointing to me.
Not literally.
I'm typing.

Now.  What to do while the pie bakes?  Certainly not worry about it being horrible. 
Oh I know! Let's cruise youtube for forty minutes!