

"A party without cake is just a meeting." - Julia Child

This blog took a longer time because I had to combine pictures from my phone, my camera, my brother's phone and his camera and shots from the great Jennifer Glasse's instagram.  Jenn is a fellow "food enthusiast" who jumped at the chance to help make a birthday cake for Bobby.  Because of our love of chocolate and Julia Child, the idea of baking her famous chocolate almond cake seemed both necessary and terrifying.  But a brother only turns 21 once. Even though, oddly enough, his sister continues to turn 25, year after year.

Recipe #29: Julia Child's "Queen of Sheba" Chocolate Almond Cake
Choice of libation: For Jenn and myself, La Granja Tempranillo ($4! Smooth!), for Chad, Short's Brewery Huma Lupa Licious (Michigan! Delightful hops!), for Bobby, milk (...).

Choice of music: Chocolate cake wasn't gift enough. Oh no.  We gave him the gift of T-Boz, Left Eye and Chilli since he'd never heard them before.  Try to reserve your judgement - he was born the year before CrazySexyCool came out.  You may now dissolve into tears.  Or Waterfalls, if you will.

The most important thing about this (and probably all Julia Child recipes) is that you don't veer too far away from the actual recipe.  Don't let our smiles in this picture fool you, we were both terrified of disappointing Julia.  But we were both still more adorable than Amy Adams in that one movie.  You know.  American Hustle.

Here is one of the only times I actually contributed to the making of this cake.  I buttered and floured the cake pan.  Jenn was very patient with me.

The recipe calls for rum OR coffee.  We laughed and figured that was a mistake.

Jenn combining the wet and dry ingredients like a champ

This was the part where we had to alternate adding the egg white and flour mixtures until everything was incorporated.   These are our pleasant concentrating faces.

Me: But Jenn, we already sifted the flour...
Jenn: The recipe asks us to do it again. This will make it smooth. 
You don't want to skip this step. 
Me: Oh. 

Is it done? When is it done? Is it done now? HOW ABOUT NOW???