


Après bien des mois d'attente le Comité départemental de Rando du 15 vient d'engager Mme Corinne FENECH comme collaboratrice salariée.

Mme Fenech pratique la randonnée depuis longtemps, assure l'animation et la responsabilité d'un club de rando et est engagée bénévolement comme baliseur au sein du comi,
Ses compétences acquise depuis des années dans la randonnée, vont lui permettre d'épauler efficacement les bénévoles du comité dans leurs domaines respectifs,

Vous pouvez la contacter au 06 70 91 54 36 ou la rencontrer à la maison des sports 130 avenue du General Leclerc à Aurillac du lundi au vendredi de 09h00 à 12h00 et de 13h30 à 17h00.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

I'll SHOYU ramen. Wait...what?

Listen.  It's dreary outside.  And few things give one comfort like a giant bowl of noodle soup to slurp.  That's right slurp.  Not politely sip from an appropriately sized spoon.
I mean full on bowl-to-face action.

This shot, is of course from one of the best movies of all time, Tampopo, the 1985 classic, and the first ever "ramen western" (a hilarious take on the American spaghetti western).  It is sexy and funny and smart and if it doesn't make you crave noodles while watching it, there is probably something wrong with you. 

Also, re-watching it, I realize that in 50 years, I will become the old lady in this clip:

And in fact, if I'm being honest with myself, this actually just me, on a Tuesday at Mariano's.


A main plot point features one woman's quest to make the perfect ramen from scratch.  That is not what I did today. But I did make pretty good ramen that would suffice.

Recipe #13: Shoyu Chicken Ramen

So. I cheated.  I didn't make my own stock, because frankly I was too hungry to wait for all that. I completely agree with all of the people who say it is worth it to develop the flavors for hours or even a day, and I will definitely make this again doing that. But, um. Hangry.

In case you needed a reminder of what shredded chicken looked like.

 I know. Blurry.  What are you even looking at?  Well, at this point, it is chicken broth that has been boiling with ginger, sweet onion, garlic, soy sauce, chicken and arugula. Oh, and yes.  Store bought ramen noodles.  I know, I know, I should make my own. NEXT TIME, I PROMISE!

Considering I made it all in 40 minutes and was ready to slurp right away, I am a happy camper.  But in case you needed help eating ramen properly, here are a few pointers...

stolen and heavily adapted from

4 cups chicken broth
1 sweet onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 inches ginger, minced
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 chicken breast fillet
3 servings dry noodles
1 package arugula
2 soft boiled eggs
Salt, to taste
Chopped spring onions, for garnish
Sesame seeds, for garnish

In a soup pot, boil the broth, onion, garlic, ginger and soy sauce
Wait for it to boil, and then add the chicken breast fillet.
Cook the chicken breast for 5-7 minutes. Remove from the broth and shred.
Add the shredded chicken back to the pot.
Cook the noodles in the same pot as directed in the package.
Check the flavor and season with salt and pepper, according to preference.
Add the arugula 30 seconds before noodles are cooked.
Serve in individual ramen bowls and garnish with half an egg, spring onions, and sesame seeds.
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